Astrology is an amazing science. It is amazing because the science was created few thousands of years ago & yet it is relevant/adaptable today. The subject is so vast that to claim oneself as an astrologer would be a very big statement. It would be safe for me to Introduce myself as a student of this great science.

In this blog we would be addressing the various challenges, questions, queries that an individual normally in our daily life. We will try to give an astrological angle to it & decode various issues that we come across in our life.

We will take up each challenge in the coming posts under this category -Astrology one by one. In order to understand & appreciate the ensuing posts we need to have some basic idea /terms/ definitions in astrology.

Therefore, in this post, we would be covering the basics of astrology.

Birth Chart

Everyone born in this planet will have a unique birth chart of his own. It is very easy to cast one’s birth chart nowadays using various apps available online for free. The 3 basic inputs that would be required in order to cast a horoscope would be

  1. Date of Birth
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Time of Birth.

Once these parameters are fed into the app one can get his birth chart in a matter of seconds.

Now, what is a birth chart? Birth chart can be described as the road map or the GPS of his life.  This chart will tell us the placement of the 9 planets in the 12 houses/bhavas of the birth chart. This app will also provide details of the Dasha, the individual would be experiencing during his life span. Thanks to the Technology that all these details can be on our fingertips in a matter of few seconds.

An important thing to be understood here. Each individual will have a unique birth chart with unique placements of Graham Planet in bhavas.  During the course of this post, you will understand these terminologies that I have mentioned just now.

There are two styles of birth charts a) North Indian style & b) South Indian Style. For the sake of convenience & in order to avoid confusions, let me stick to just one style -North India style.

Houses, Rashis Planets & Nakshatras


A birth chart has 12 houses. It can also be referred as bhavas.  The first house is referred as the Lagna. Going anti clock wise we can number the remaining 11 houses as 2nd,3rd ,4th etc.  With the help of this  Science, when we study all the 12 houses in combination with the placement of Zodiac Signs(Rashi) & Placement of Planets would enable us to provide an in depth knowledge about the various traits of the individual. No sooner we will realize why i have referred Astrology as an amazing science

It is important here to understand that the placement of the houses/Bhavas would remain the same with respect to any birth chart. However the placement of Rashi/Graham & Planets would keep changing with respect to every horoscope.

We shall discus what each house of the birth chart would try to convey us the various aspect of our life in the coming posts.


There are 12 Zodiac Signs /Rashi for a birth chart. It means each house will have been assigned with a Rashi for that particular house. We shall discuss the names, its traits, its Lord, its ideal placement etc. in the coming posts.


There are nine Planets for each birth chart. Since there are 9 planets & 12 houses in a birth chart, therefore there is no way the rule of a planet for each house be applied with respect to planets. There could be a scenario of two/three/four/five planets could be placed in a single house., the remaining planets could be placed anywhere in the remaining house & the balance houses can remaining empty. We shall discuss the names of the planets, its powers, its aspects, Lordships, its traits etc. in the coming posts.

Astrology is a very old science spanning over a couple of thousands of years. One might wonder, how come the study of these planets could be possible. The saints who created this science have mastered the art of meditation & they could transport themselves to the various planets of the solar system leaving their body behind on planet earth . After getting their necessary inputs from the respective planets they used to get back to their body. Isn’t it amazing. No wonder Astrology is an amazing science. 


In astrological science there are 27 stars. Each individual would be assigned a Star as his star depending on its placement. We shall discuss the names, its traits, its power etc in the coming posts.

In order to understand and appreciate this science , it is important for one to have the names of Rashi/Graham , Planets & Stars both the English & the Hindi name . There are ways to remember these which we would be discussing it in the coming posts.

After going through the brief introduction one can easily make out that the astrology is nothing but studying a multiple combination of 9 Planets, 12 Rashi & 12 Houses. Mathematically speaking it would be a product of 12×12! X 9!. The product of these numbers is a mind boggling huge number. What does this infer? If you recall, I had said earlier that each individual gets a unique birth chart. It means no two individual gets a same birth chart& that is why one can observe no two individuals are alike. Be it in their looks or their character,or fame in their life. 

Doesn’t this fact amazes you. Imaging thousands of years ago this science was created with so much calculations which has relevance even in this millennium. Does this not make you believe Astrology – An Amazing Science 

This particular post is primarily to give you a brief introduction. As I have mentioned it earlier that Astrology is a very vast science. Therefore, we need to proceed step by step approach in order to understand & immerse into this science.

In the next post we shall try & dive into the Planetary kingdom by understanding the bhavas, Rashi & Planets.

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